

Mimco 2011 ad large

Alyssa Sutherland interpretation of the Australian brand Mimco 2011 spring and summer bags ad large, the embodiment of fashion forest fairy!


Pink diamond: the dream of the world's wealthy elite

Read a lot of bags, especially today, would like to introduce several jewelry, Oh

Louis Vuitton jewelry Rings


Louis Vuitton jewelry Earrings

 Harry WinstonSunset series of very thin diamond necklace Lotus corundum

Duke of Windsor custom diamond leopard brooch Cartier Sapphire egg
That pink diamond, you must talk about the "bright sea" story. Initially, the light of the sea is an ancient Indian south kings Miljimola , and later, Fengyun rare in the world of diamonds as a tribute to the emperor to kill Jay Khan gift. Then, Shajie Khan's son Aurangzeb in successfully Fu Huang sideline after another into the sea of light to a new owner. He asked the artisans refined it into a weight of about 300 carats of diamonds rose to form products. Pink diamond, rose-shaped, you must think this should be what kind of disputes with love, do not have a heroic love? No, the middle without any love. When the Persian king Nadi Er his troops invaded the Mughal Empire, but also with the other sea of light into their booty diamond one, living to Persia. In a sea of ​​light in the removed continuously displaced more than the Kingdom, and is constantly spend to build, becoming smaller and smaller, finally in 1958, Pahlavi Shah of Iran at the wedding, it would re-create the king's crown on the crown of a huge middle trimmed with pink diamonds, it is drilled with name "sea of Light" from the mill again changed, and today only 60 kt, and renamed the "bright eye." Around the eye of light, set a lot of pink, blue, yellow and colorless diamonds. Fengyun beautiful diamonds, no love, but through the vicissitudes of time, tempered, experienced a number of dynasties and wars, when the war away, who can continue to polish the time to read this is "bright eyes" in the light.